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Gods desire has always been to have a family of sons and daughters who know who they are and who God is inside of them!
All creation is waiting for the children of God to be revealed in His glory (Romans 8:19)
We all know the song " no longer slaves" It beautifully expresses Gods desire for us and our deliverance!
True freedom comes only through an intimate relationship with our creator God and that is the big task our father has set before us, living as His beloved in an ignorant generation and leading as many as possible into the bliss of knowing their maker!
God has called Volker & Naraleska since the beginning of their relationship in 2001 to be ministers of reconciliation from the islands to the nations, they have lead uncountable teams, outreaches, schools, projects in to and from the Caribbean....It has been a wild ride!
Our desire was always to have everything we do for God to come out of an overflow of intimacy with Jesus, so we realised early in the journey, that it is the most enjoyable but also the only healthy way to move was to put the emphasis on ministering to Jesus first and out of this to the rest of the world. So we started in 2007 with our first 24/7 Caribbean prayer tent in Curacao. This actually didn't last too long, but was fun!
After that through many wild journeys and experiences we started as a network of friends to gather the royal priesthood of the Caribbean and out of this over the years a multi-island community has developed with the same heart and goal: that His kingdom will come on nd from the islands as in heaven.
There are sooo many amazing stories, God wrote with us on the way! If you are interested, check out our book "BANANAS FOR JESUS" you can find it in English, Spanish and German

In His amazing ways, God allowed us to
connect with His people on many of the islands
2017 we started our Gatherings, with the purpose to connect gather and equip!
Every year we discover more about this adventure and more people are doing this exciting journey.
Now additionally to our regional reunion,
we travel to different locations to encourage & equip
the body of Christ.

In 2017
we had our first regional gathering in Barbados
Royal Priests from Barbados, St.Vincent, Jamaica, Martinique, Guyana, Canada, the US and Europe were present and took the vision of CPR to the nations.
In 2018 we had our second gathering "ARISE" in Barbados! It was amazing! Gods presence was so beautiful and more nations were represented!
In 2019, in our third gathering, called "SELAH"
We met in a very relaxed setting around pool in the south of Dominican Republic. More friends from other nations joined... Martinique and Dominican Republic started prayer rooms.....soooo beautiful! And as always the name was program! God prepared us for the BIG SELAH the world was entering into in the Corona season!
"THE UNVEILING" Again, we gathered in the Dominican Republic. Hosted by the World Grace Mission base in Villa Mella, we could feel God breathing new life on our region and calling us for the unveiling of the bride...
We will gathered in Montego Bay Jamaica.
In March we will gather in St. Martin. Join us if you can!
New connections and prayer and mission initiatives in different Islands are happening, leaders are longing for the beginning of the prayer room in their own Islands. Contact us to see if we can run a School of His Presence in your location
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